Controlling our stormwater runoff has been one of our top priorities over the last few years. Did you know that stormwater is the #1 source of pollution in most Connecticut waterways, and that millions of gallons of raw sewage flow into New Haven’s rivers and harbor every year because of stormwater-related combined sewer overflows?
We are pleased to share this “Bringing in the Rain” stormwater management educational video, produced in conjunction with Save the Sound and funded by the Greater New Haven Green Fund:
Our sincere thanks to:
- Anna Marshall, Save the Sound
- Ron Walters, Regional Water Authority
- Adam Rawlings, Neighborhood Housing Services of New Haven
- Doreen Abubakar, Community Placemaking and Engagement Network (CPEN)
- Dr. Gaboury Benoit, Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies
- Gary Zrelak, Greater New Haven Water Pollution Control Authority
- Kel Youngs, Barnard Environmental Studies Magnet School
- Greater New Haven Green Fund
Enjoy and please share!